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Week 3: Morning Prayers

Morning Prayers

March 3-9, 2024

Third Week of Lent, Year B

Sunday, Third week of Lent

Rest as a Rule of Life

Today is a day for rest and renewal of body, mind, and spirit.

Daily Prayer for a Rule of Life

May our lives be a prayer

May God work through our prayers

May our work be an answer

To God’s will working through us

May we rest in God’s love

May God’s rest feed our souls

May our table be open

May we welcome friends and foes

May the poor be our neighbors

May our neighbors be blessed.


Lectionary Readings: Exodus 20:1-17; Psalm 19; 

1 Corinthians 1:18-25; John 2:13-22


Monday, Third Week of Lent

Table as a Rule of Life

How lovely is your dwelling place,

    Lord of heavenly forces!

My very being longs, even yearns,

    for the Lord’s courtyards.

My heart and my body

    will rejoice out loud to the living God!

Psalm 84:1-2 CEB


Be still and aware 

of God’s presence

within and all around.

Prayers of Gratitude

We offer to you, Creator, our words of praise and thanksgiving.

May we ever be mindful of the plentiful blessings of your world

where there is more than enough for everyone.

May we share in your abundant grace and mercy, 

and may the table ever be expanded by the open invitation

to be embraced by your unconditional love.

The Lord’s Prayer 

A Reading

1 Corinthians 3:16-23

Reflect on the words of scripture and what it means to build an inclusive 

table from which to share the Incarnate Love of God in Christ.



We recognize there is work yet to be done

to make room at the table for all your people.

We recognize there is brokenness and pain, and

much healing needed for humankind and all of creation.

Hear our prayers, O Lord.

Open our eyes to see, our ears to hear, our hearts to feel,

and our mouths to give voice to the needs we encounter.

Grant us strength and wisdom to be who you have created us to be,

and do what we can do according to your Word in our lives.

In Christ’s name we pray, Amen

Sending Forth Prayer

In our actions and in our words this day, may we offer

radical hospitality through simple acts of kindness. 

Daily Lectionary Readings: Psalm 84; 1 Kings 6:1-4, 21-22; 1 Corinthians 3:10-23


Tuesday, Third Week of Lent

Table as a Rule of Life

Yes, the sparrow too has found a home in your dwelling place;

    the swallow has found herself a nest

    where she can lay her young beside your altars,

    Lord of heavenly forces, my king, my God!

 Those who live in your house are truly happy;

    they praise you constantly.

Psalm 84:3-4 CEB


Be still and aware 

of God’s presence

within and all around.

Prayers of Gratitude

No matter where we go, you are there

offering an abundance of love that knows no end.

No matter who comes to your table, 

you welcome with an embrace of

compassionate grace and healing mercy 

We lift our prayers of thanksgiving

in awareness of your Presence 

in our own lives and in the lives of others.

With deep, abiding gratitude 

we raise our voices to reveal the ways 

we see you at work in the world.

Lord’s Prayer 

A Reading

Psalm 84

Reflect on those who do not have a home and

 what it means to be an inclusive, welcoming host. 


Gracious Host, Eternal Word,

We know that the table of grace 

belongs to you and is open to all. 

Forgive us when we forget 

and try to save seats next to us 

for family and friends, 

rather than strangers and foes.

We pray this day for the world in which we live, 

May we continue to grow in awareness 

of the ways creation is being harmed and

for people that are sorely in need of healing and hope.

Christ in your mercy, hear our prayers.

Sending Forth

May we walk with integrity,

Strength, and courage,

boldly trusting that Spirit leads the way,

as we journey out into the world this day. 

Daily Lectionary Readings: Psalm 84; 2 Chronicles 29:1-11, 16-19; 

Hebrews 9:23-28


Wednesday, Third Week of Lent

Table as a Rule of Life

The Lord is a sun and shield;    God is favor and glory.The Lord gives—doesn’t withhold!—good things    to those who walk with integrity.

 Lord of heavenly forces,    those who trust in you are truly happy!

Psalm 84:11-12 CEB


Be still and aware 

of God’s presence

within and all around.

Prayer of Gratitude

You are cordially invited to a seat at the table

Come as you are

You will be welcomed

The table is open to all

Abundance abounds

No one seeking shelter or hope,

safety, or mercy

will be turned away

God’s love is abundant and liberating!

What prayers of gratitude do you bring today?

Lord’s Prayer

A Reading

Mark 11:15-19

Reflect on the scripture and the sacredness of God’s table of grace.


We have to admit, Generous Host,

there are times we want to post a “no vacancy” sign

on the door of our hearts.

Sometimes we are just too weary 

To set another place at the table for one more need.

The demands of the world can be overwhelming

and we can feel so inadequate.

Remind us that we are not alone.

We have community in and through you

from which we can draw strength and courage,

hope and wisdom.

Hear our prayers of concern.

Help us to listen for your Word within and among us.

We lift the prayers of this day…

Sending Forth 

Thank you for the opportunities and possibilities before us

as we step out in faith this day

to share in the joys and the sorrows of the world

in which you have placed us.

Daily Lectionary Readings: Psalm 84; Ezra 6:1-16; Mark 11:15-19


Thursday, Third Week of Lent

Table as a Rule of Life

Oh, thank God—he’s so good!

    His love never runs out.

All of you set free by God, tell the world!

    Tell how he freed you from oppression,

Then rounded you up from all over the place,

    from the four winds, from the seven seas.

Psalm 107:1-3 The Message


Be still and aware 

of God’s presence

within and all around.

Prayer of Gratitude

We gather from north, south, east, west

because of your love, Creator of All.

We are grateful that you satisfy hungery souls.

We are ever grateful that you are with us in the ordinary

and the extraordinary experiences of daily living.

We offer our humble prayers of thanksgiving, 

Source of Light and Love, 

We come to say “Thank You!”

The Lord’s Prayer

A Reading

Ephesians 1:3-6

Reflect on the words of scripture and how God is blessed by humankind.


Gather us in from all the lands, the skies, the seas, 

the farthest reaches of all that exists. 

Gather all who hunger and thirst for righteousness.

Gather those whose hearts are grieving and broken.

Gather us as community seeking to be present, 

breaking down walls of fear and injustice.

Gather us to raise our voices in prayer

Attune our hearts and minds to your Word

So that all may be nourished at your table of grace.

We lift these prayers for hope and healing…

Sending Forth 

May these words of Abraham Joshua Heschel influence the way we live our day: 

“Just to be is a blessing. Just to live is holy.”

Daily Lectionary Readings: Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22; Genesis 9:8-17; Ephesians 1:3-6


Friday, Third Week of Lent

Table as a Rule of Life

Let them thank the Lord for his steadfast love,

    for his wonderful works to humankind.

And let them offer thanksgiving sacrifices

    and tell of his deeds with songs of joy.

Psalm 107:21-22 CEB


Be still and aware 

of God’s presence

within and all around.

Prayer of Gratitude

Feast Giver,

You prepare a table before us.

Our cups overflow with your merciful love.

How generous you are with the outpouring of

compassionate grace. 

Wonder and awe are abundant gifts

Found in the world in which you created.

The riches of your presence exceeds

our wildest hopes and dreams. 

Receive these spoken and unspoken prayers

with deep gratitude and joy-filled praise

to you this day.

The Lord’s Prayer

A Reading

Henri J.M. Nouwen writes, “The table is the place of intimacy. 

Around the table we discover each other. It’s the place where we pray. 

It’s the place where we ask: “How was your day?” It’s the place where we eat and drink together and say: “Come on, take some more!” It is the place of old and new stories. It is the place of smiles and tears. The table, too, is the place where distance is most painfully felt. It is the place where the children feel the tension between the parents, where brothers and sisters express their anger and jealousies, where accusations are made, and where plates and cups become instruments of violence. Around the table, we know whether there is friendship and community or hatred and division. Precisely because the table is the place of intimacy for all the members of the household, it is also the place

 where the absence of that intimacy is most painfully revealed.”


The table as a place of intimacy reflects the vulnerability of being in community. Individuals bring joys, sorrows, strengths, and foibles to the table.  Sharing can be honest, or reluctant. Trust is something to be built over time. Listening deeply, and being open to learning from each other are important parts of being at table together.  Sometimes it is the unspoken words that bare the most powerful witness of Christs presence at the table.  What needs and concerns have we heard and or seen this week that we bring to the community for prayer today…

Sending Forth

Be with us as we set out in various directions this day, Grant us wisdom to listen, learn, and know what and when to speak.  May the words of our mouths and the messages of our hearts come from you, Infinite Word.

Daily Lectionary Readings : Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22; Daniel 12:5-13; Ephesians 1:7-14


Saturday, Third Week of Lent

Table as a Rule of Life

Erupt with thanks to the Eternal, for God is good    and freely gives loyal love that lasts forever.Let all those redeemed by the Eternal—    those rescued from times of deep trouble—join in giving thanks

erupt with praise and give thanks to the Eternal    in honor of such loyal loveAnd all the wonders the Eternal One has performed for humankind!

Psalm 107:1-2, 21 The Voice 


Be still and aware 

of God’s presence

within and all around.

Prayer of Gratitude

It’s Saturday, often a day spent running errands and doing chores after a busy work week.  May we find the time to pause, simply stop with our perceived agendas and look around at the beauty and wonder of your world.  May we give thanks for the many ways we have seen you this past week in the simple acts of kindness, in bright smiles, laughter, and in the natural world you have created. May we never be too busy or take life for granted.  So right now, we pause and take time to name the things for which we are thankful… 

The Lord’s Prayer

A Reading

John 3:1-13

Reflect on these words from the Gospel and imagine the conversation 

while sitting around the table with others discussing being born again.



We come to the end of the week and reflect on the things that have brought us joy and satisfaction.  We are also mindful of the brokenness and pain we have seen that is hard to comprehend.  We lift our prayers for healing and hope.  We lift our prayers for others and for ourselves to be courageous and wise in how to best help to bring justice and peace as you intend for your kin-dom.  

Today, we raise our hearts in prayer for…

Sending Forth

Christ Incarnate, today, we will intentionally pause to look around us for visible signs of your presence in the world, in others and in ourselves. 

Then, we will stand in awe and give you our grateful praise.

Daily Lectionary Readings: Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22; Numbers 20:22-29; John 3:1-13


Peace be with you.


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