Morning Prayers
Second Week of Lent
Year B
Sunday, Second week of Lent
Rest as a Rule of Life
This is a day for rest and renewal of body, mind, and spirit
Daily Prayer for a Rule of Life
May our lives be a prayer
May God work through our prayers
May our work be an answer
To God’s will working through us
May we rest in God’s love
May God’s rest feed our souls
May our table be open
May we welcome friends and foes
May the poor be our neighbors
May our neighbors be blessed.
Lectionary Readings: Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16;
Psalm 22:23-31; Rom 4:13-25; Mark 8:31-38
Monday, Second Week of Lent
Work as a Rule of Live
O give thanks to the Lord; call on God’s name; make known God’s deeds among the peoples.
Sing, sing praises to God; tell of all God’s wonderful works.
Psalm 105: 1-2
Be still and aware
of God’s presence
within and all around.
Prayers of Gratitude
We come this morning to begin our day
meditating on your word for our lives.
As we move more fully into the tasks ahead of us
we bring our prayers of thanksgiving
for the many ways you come to us.
We give you thanks!
Where do you see evidence of God at work in your life, in the neighborhood, and in the world ?
The Lord’s Prayer
A Reading
Genesis 17:1-7
Reflect on the scripture and consider God’s covenant
with past, present, and future generations.
We lay our prayers before you, Loving Creator,
remembering how you have moved within and among
the people generation after generation
since the beginning of time.
We are ever mindful that we pray
believing you hear our prayers,
and that you know the heartaches and struggles
of all your creation.
So today we give voice to our prayers,
lifting them to you and sharing them with one another.
Remember those who struggle to provide for themselves and their families.
Sending Forth Prayer
In the work of this day,
may we be aware of your Presence within us
and among all we meet.
May we greet others with a smile and kind words.
May the work we do reflect your loving grace and mercy.
Daily Lectionary Readings: Psalm 105:1-11,37-45; Gen 21:1-7; Heb 1:8-12
Tuesday, Second Week of Lent
Work as a Rule of Life
He called the crowd with his disciples and said to them,
“If any wish to come after me, let them deny themselves
and take up their cross and follow me.”
Mark 8:34
Be still and aware
of God’s presence
within and all around.
Prayers of Gratitude
“This is the day the Lord has made,
let us rejoice and be glad in it.” (Ps 118:24)
With joy in our hearts,
we bring our prayers of gratitude to you this day.
Our spirits are lifted to know
You rejoice with us.
Lord’s Prayer
A Reading
Each day we make choices from the moment we arise.
We choose how to dress, what to eat, how we spend our resources,
how we approach the work we do whether paid or voluntary.
We choose how we relate to others.
Moment by moment, each day, each moment,
offers opportunities and possibilities from which to choose.
Reflect on the invitation of Jesus to follow him and how his words influence the choices you make.
Carrying Jesus’ cross can be heavy at times.
Denying ourselves can be inconvenient and hard.
Still, we try to keep putting one foot in front of the other
because we know the work of kin-dom building
to which we are called is not yet complete.
So, we bow our heads in prayer
lifting our concerns and struggles to you
in community with others to help bear the load.
From our hearts to yours we lift them to you, Loving God,
O Lord, hear our prayers.
Considering Jesus’ call to cross bearing,
reflect on the effects of poverty and pain in the world.
Sending Forth
May peace be your way in the world.
May joy lighten each step
knowing you never walk alone.
Daily Lectionary Readings: Psalm 105:1-11, 37-45; Gen 22:1-19; Heb 11:1-3, 13-19
Wednesday, Second Week of Lent
Work as a Rule of Life
May our work be an answer to the needs we see before us.
May our work give voice to the voiceless, sight to the blind.
May our work be centered in prayer,
guided by love, justice, and mercy.
Be still and aware
of God’s presence
within and all around.
Prayer of Gratitude
Open our eyes to see the beauty and joy in the world.
Open our mouths to sing with joy your praise
Open our hearts to your overflowing love.
We celebrate and proclaim our gratitude this day.
What wonders and joys do you bring to community for celebration?
A Reading
John 12:36-43
Reflect on the scripture and how the Gospel message of Jesus
can be perceived in many, diverse ways.
Leaning into the way of Jesus opens our lives
to the multiplicity of needs around us.
It can be overwhelming until we remember
we do not do this work alone.
We bring our spoken and unspoken prayers to you, Loving God.
We ask for your guidance and wisdom to lead us.
Remember those who are caught in the web of despair and brokenness.
Sending Forth
May the God of Peace center us.
May the God of Justice strengthen us.
May the God of Hope challenge us.
May the God of Grace sustain us.
Daily Lectionary Readings: Psalm 105:1-11; Jer 30:12-22; John 12:36-43
Thursday, Second Week of Lent
Work as a Rule of Life
The heavens are telling the glory of God,
and the firmament proclaims his handiwork.
Day to day pours forth speech,
and night to night declares knowledge.
Psalm 19:1-2
Be still and aware
of God’s presence
within and all around.
Prayer of Gratitude
The Psalmist tells us there are no words adequate to declare your glory.
Yet, we try to express the wonder and awe we experience
remembering your loving and merciful grace.
We lift our words of gratitude this day to praise you
and give voice to your Presence in our lives.
A Reading
1 Peter 2:4-10
Reflect on the words of scripture and
the work of building community wherever you may be.
We seek to build the work we set out to do
on the very foundation of your work,
laid out from the beginning of time,
continued throughout the ages.
We seek to be people of the Way of Christ
to walk the path of justice and freedom
to be sojourners and participants
doing the work you call us to do
being the people you create us to be.
We know we don’t do this work alone and so,
we lift our prayers for one another,
our family, friends, communities, and world
humbly asking for your wisdom and healing this moment.
Here are the people and places in need of hope and healing we bring to you today.
Sending Forth
Let the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts
be acceptable to you,
O Lord, our rock and our redeemer.
Psalm 19:14
Daily Lectionary Readings: Psalm 19; Exodus 19:1-9a; 1 Peter 2:4-10
Friday, Second Week of Lent
Work as a Rule of Life
The Eternal’s law is perfect,
turning lives around.
God’s words are reliable and true,
instilling wisdom to open minds.
The Eternal’s directions are correct,
giving satisfaction to the heart.
God’s commandments are clear,
lending clarity to the eyes.
Psalm 19:7-8 (Voice Translation)
Be still and aware
of God’s presence
within and all around.
Prayer of Gratitude
Offering our work as a Rule of Life
leads us to consider that what we do
is to be done mindfully and gratefully.
We give you thanks and offer our prayers
for the many ways we see you at work in the world.
Here are the wonders and joys we bring forth this day.
A Reading
Acts 7:30-40
The tools of our vocation
be they computer, shovel, or any number of things
can be used as instruments of active hope.
We, too, God, are created to serve as implements
of your Incarnate love,
Your just mercy,
and your amazing grace.
We bring our prayers of intercession to you
to guide us in this journey of life
to best use what we have
to bring hope and healing,
Joy, and peace.
Sending Forth
In our work and in our play
God is with us
In our rest and in our toil
God is with us
In our joys and in our sorrows
God is with us.
If God is ever with us
who can be against us?
Daily Lectionary Readings : Psalm 19; Exodus 19:9b-15; Acts 7:30-40
Saturday, Second Week of Lent
Work as a Rule of Life
The awe of the Eternal is clean,
sustaining for all of eternity.
The Eternal’s decisions are sound;
they are right through and through.
They are worth more than gold—
even more than abundant, pure gold.
They are sweeter to the tongue than honey
or the drippings of the honeycomb.
Psalm 19:9-10 (Voice Translation)
Be still and aware
of God’s presence
within and all around.
Prayer of Gratitude
A Reading
Mark 9:2-8
Reflect on this passage considering where, when, how,
and within whom you have seen God at work in the world.
God, sometimes your presence is not always obvious to us, especially in the injustice, brokenness and sorrows of the world.
Yet, we continue to seek you within and among us.
We pray for guidance in how to live with active hope.
Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on us
and all your children. Strengthen our resolve
to be the people you create us to be,
to do the work to which you call us.
We lift our prayers of petition for ourselves, others, and the world.
O Lord, hear the prayers of our hearts.
Sending Forth
May there always be work for your hands to do.
May your purse always hold a coin or two.
May the sun always shine upon your window pane.
May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain.
May the hand of a friend always be near to you and
May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.
Traditional Irish Blessing
Daily Lectionary Readings: Psalm 19; Exodus 19:16-25; Mark 9:2-8
Peace be with you.