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Week 30 Morning Prayer

Morning Prayers 

Sept 15 – Sept 21, 2024

Season After Pentecost 

Sunday Sept 15, After Pentecost


Rest as a Rule of Life

This is a day for rest and renewal of body, mind, and spirit.


 A prayer of rest

God of wisdom 

Christ our shepherd

Spirit of light

Be in our rest today.

Be in our breath. 

Be in us.



Lectionary Readings: Sunday, September 15, 2024: Proper 19 (24) Prov 1:20-33; Ps 19; James 3:1-12; Mark 8:27-38 


Monday, Sept 16, After Pentecost

Work as a Rule of Life

The people who trust in the Lord are like the mountain of God: never shaken, lasting forever.

Psalm 125:1 (CEB, adapted)



Be still and aware 

of God’s presence

in your body and breath. 



Prayers of Gratitude

Holy One, the Psalmist says that you surround us like mountains

We look to you as our shelter and our persistent hope. 

We see your immoveable presence

When we close our eyes at night fall

When we open our eyes to morning light

Holy One, we lift to you thanks and praise today

For this shelter you offer to all. 


What gratitude do you bring today to share?


The Lord’s Prayer 


A Reading

Psalm 125

Reflect on the words of scripture and presence of God, 

surrounding us like mountains.




As a new week begins, God we turn to you 


As a collective.

A community of individuals

Choosing to put our trust in you. 

This doesn’t mean, God, that our hearts are perfect

Our motives pure

Our lives exemplary.

We come to you trusting the grace of Christ

Who welcomed the helpless who believed

Even those who believed with doubt. 

We come to you holding that tension also in our souls. 

O God our surrounding mountain

Meet us here.

What needs and concerns do we bring to the community for prayer today…

Sending Forth Prayer

 God of wisdom 

Christ our shepherd

Spirit of light

Root our feet in peace as we enter this new day.



Daily Lectionary Readings: Psalm 73:21-28; Proverbs 22:1-21; Romans 3:9-20; Psalm 119:169-176; 1 Kings 13:1-10


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Tuesday, Sept 17, After Pentecost

Work as a Rule of Life

A good reputation is better than much wealth;

High esteem is better than silver and gold.

The rich and the poor have this in common:

The LORD has made them both.

Proverbs 22:1-2, CEB



Be still and aware 

of God’s presence

in your body and breath.



Prayers of Gratitude

You have made us, God

Or should we call you, Artist



The one who shaped the creases between our toes

Who mixed the gradients of color that highlight our hair

We praise you this morning for clean hair

For soap to wash away the dirt of the day

The sweat of the late summer sun

We praise you this morning for shoes

Even those with worn out soles, scuffs, or stains

Protecting our feet from farm tools and scratchy sidewalks. 

Good Maker, we give you thanks.

What gratitude do you bring today to share?


The Lord’s Prayer 


A Reading

Mark 7:24-30

Reflect on the words of scripture and the Maker of the rich and poor.




Holy One,

Who do we bring to your attention today?

As we lift our intercessions.

Let our ears turn to the voices around us

Voices that are unexpected

Voices outside the circle of belonging we may draw

Those we wouldn’t call ‘our’ children.

As we join you, God, in this holy work of listening

Expand the voices we attend to,

As you did, O Christ.

What needs and concerns do we bring to the community for prayer today…

Sending Forth Prayer

God of wisdom

Christ our shepherd

Spirit of light

Be present in our hearing as we enter this new day.





Daily Lectionary Readings: Psalm 73:21-28; Proverbs 25:1-28; Colossians 3:1-11; Psalm 119:169-176; 1 Kings 13:11-25

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Wednesday, Sept 18, After Pentecost

Work as a Rule of Life

Those who sow injustice will harvest evil; 

the rod of their fury will come to an end. 

Happy are generous people, 

because they give some of their food to the poor.

Proverbs 22:8-9, CEB



Be still and aware 

of God’s presence

in your body and breath.



Prayers of Gratitude


To fill our bellies


To pay our bills


To share around

You are the God who provides all that we need.

We lift our prayers of thanks for both your enoughness,

And your abundance.

What gratitude do you bring today to share?


The Lord’s Prayer 


A Reading

Mark 7:31-37

Reflect on the words of scripture and the Christ that opens up.




Filled with wonder

Amazed by the healing work of your hands

Was the crowd that followed you, O Christ 

They couldn’t help but open their mouths to tell others of your work—

“Everything he does is wonderful” they said of you

Forgetting the moments just before

When they came 

Begging on behalf of their friend

Placing bets on a rumor that you could heal. 

In their spirit, O Christ, we come

We welcome your healing in us 

And we join in your healing around us

On behalf of those who can’t hear

On behalf of those who can’t see

Let this be the work of our hands.

What needs and concerns do we bring to the community for prayer today…

Sending Forth Prayer

 God of wisdom 

Christ our shepherd

Spirit of light


  Open us up to the healing you offer today.


Daily Lectionary Readings:  Psalm 73:21-28; Proverbs 29:1-27; John 7:25-36; Psalm 119:169-176; Isaiah 10:12-20

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Thursday, Sept 19, After Pentecost

Work as a Rule of Life

Don’t rob the poor just because you can,

Or exploit the needy in court. 

For the LORD is their defender. 

He will ruin anyone who ruins them.

Proverbs 22:22-23, NLT



Be still and aware 

of God’s presence

in your body and breath.



Prayers of Gratitude

Great Defender

Of all who need you

Thank you for your presence 

That carried us through the night

That ushered us into this new day

That welcomes us to join in holy work

Of honoring the poor among us. 

What gratitude do you bring today to share?


The Lord’s Prayer 


A Reading

James 2:1-10

Reflect on the words of scripture and God who has chosen the poor.




Holy One,

Convict us of our partiality

Of those we open our homes to

Choose to sit with

Of the ways we make subtle distinctions of worthiness

In our time, our love, our curiosity. 

How, Holy One, do we honor the poor?

At the street corners…

In the house on our lane…

How, Holy One, do we honor the poor?

How do we engage our hearts,

Not only our money?

Engage our skills and voices,

Not only our compassion?

Teach us live with the poor, as you did O Christ.

Show us the poor we do not see. 

What needs and concerns do we bring to the community for prayer today…

Sending Forth Prayer

 God of wisdom 

Christ our shepherd

Spirit of light

Enliven our mind to welcome the poor this day. 



Daily Lectionary Readings: Psalm 1; Proverbs 30:1-10; 1 Corinthians 2:1-5; Psalm 54; Judges 6:1-10

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Friday, Sept 20, After Pentecost

Work as a Rule of Life

See! God is my helper;

My Lord sustains my life. 

I will give thanks to your name, LORD.

Psalm 54: 4&6 (CEB, adapted)



Be still and aware of God

in the presence of this community.



Prayers of Gratitude

Holy One, as we reflect on this week

And anticipate the activities and rhythms of the weekend

We praise you for these mornings of prayer

For this sacred space of growing together,

Of welcoming the Spirit and each other into our stories and pain

Of pursuing harmony with each other as we pursue Christ

Thank You, Holy One for this community from which we draw strength. 

What gratitude do you bring today to share?


The Lord’s Prayer 


A Reading

James 2:14-17

Reflect on the words of scripture and the active nature of faith.




Living Christ, we draw from the strength of our community 

And look outward to our world 

We join those early Christ followers in asking

For Your strong hand of healing to stretch out in power

We pray for acts of reconciliation and goodness to be done in this world

Miraculous restoration we cannot yet imagine

Acts that can only be done through Your power,

And our faithfulness in joining Your work of love.

What needs and concerns do we bring to the community for prayer today…

Sending Forth Prayer

As we enter this new day may our eyes be open and our spirits filled with boldness to join God’s work of transforming love in our world.  





Daily Lectionary Readings: Psalm 1; Proverbs 30:18-33; Romans 11:25-32; Psalm 54; 1 Kings 22:24-40

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Saturday, Sept 21, After Pentecost

Work as a Rule of Life

The people who trust in the Lord are like the mountain of God: never shaken, lasting forever.

Psalm 125:1 (CEB, adapted)



Be still and aware 

of God’s presence

in your body and breath.



Prayers of Gratitude

On this day that we rest and play

Work and visit

Plan and travel 

Cook and clean

We bring to you our thanks, Holy One

For the end of another week

And your living presence with us

In each day

In each task

In every moment.

What gratitude do you bring today to share?

The Lord’s Prayer 


A Reading

Psalm 125

Reflect on the words of scripture and presence of God, 

surrounding us like mountains.




Living Christ, we welcome Your light in our lives today

Shine the warmth of Your presence

Into these areas of need and concern we share

Open our eyes to new ways of seeing the challenges that we face

Open our minds to creative understanding of problems at hand

Open our hearts to love deeper those we are at odds with

Living Christ, shine Your light on our path today. 

What needs and concerns do we bring to the community for prayer today…

Sending Forth Prayer

 God of wisdom 

Christ our shepherd

Spirit of light

Hold us in your love

Today, tomorrow, and always.


Daily Lectionary Readings: Psalm 1; Ecclesiastes 1:1-18; Matthew 23:29-39; Psalm 54; 2 Kings 17:5-18


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