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Week 22 Morning Prayer

Updated: Jul 15

July 14- 20, 2024

Sunday, July 14, 2024

WORK as a Rule of Life

The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it,

the world and those who live in it. Psalm 24:1


As we begin this day with an invitation to Sabbath with God,

may our hearts echo with this joyous refrain: “The earth is yours, O Lord, and all that is in it. 

The hours of this day belong to you, and so do I.”

Prayers of Gratitude

Holy God, who calls us to participate with you and one another in your work in the world,

May we delight in the rhythms of work and rest, rest and work.

May we listen for your voice in the fullness of those rhythms.

Hear our prayers of thanks for the blessings of Rest.

The Lord’s Prayer

ScripturePsalm 24

Reflection Suggestions

Reflect on the relationship between Work and Rest in your life,

 and what it means to you for both work and rest to belong to God.


“All” includes not only me, this day, and the work of my hands. ALL includes 

neighbors, family, friends, the whole of creation, the prayers I offer… and this day of rest—

ALL belong to you!!  For these I also offer prayers… 


Sending Forth

My act of grateful praise this day will be to meditate on this good news:

The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it,

the world and those who live in it. Psalm 24:1

Spring Forest Rule of Life: Prayer, Work, Rest, Table, Neighbor

May our lives be a prayer

May God work through our prayers

May our work be an answer

To God’s will working through us

May we rest in God’s love

May God’s rest feed our souls

May our table be open

May we welcome friends and foes

May the poor be our neighbors 

May our neighbors be blessed.  Amen

Daily Lectionary: Psalm 24; 2 Samuel 6:1-5, 12b- 19; Ephesians 1:3-14, Mark 6:14-19

Monday, July 15, 2024

WORK as a Rule of Life


Bless God in the great congregation! You are our source and our fountain!   Psalm 68:26






Come, Holy Spirit, 


Prayers of Gratitude

O God of power, might, and strength,

 in the stillness we are mindful of your presence, 

and our hearts are filled with praise. 

We offer gifts of thanksgiving for the blessings of being made alive in Christ, 

for the newness of this day, and for the opportunities 

to work alongside one another in your kin-dom’s work.  

Receive our gratitude for the abundance of grace we’ve already received today.

The Lord’s Prayer

A Reading

Acts: 21: 27-39

Reflection Suggestions

Paul’s “work” of teaching about God’s love revealed in Jesus continually gets him into trouble with systems and authorities. How is God’s strength and power, encouragement and protection experienced in the challenging circumstances which arise in your work?  


We seek you and your Spirit’s power that we may, with our lives, 

be witnesses to your grace, goodness and love in all our daily tasks.  

We pray for all who need your Spirit’s gifts for their work and lives today.

Sending Forth Prayer

May we begin or continue our work this day in full confidence of this truth:

Our God is AWESOME!  God gives power and strength to all God’s people!

Therefore, we pray with trusting hearts…

Daily Prayer for Spring Forest Rule of Life

May our lives be a prayer

May God work through our prayers

May our work be an answer

to God’s will working through us

May we rest in God’s love

May God’s rest feed our souls

May our table be open

May we welcome friends and foes

May the poor be our neighbors

May our neighbors be blessed.  Amen.

Daily Lectionary: Psalm 68:24-35; 2 Samuel 6: 6-12a; Acts 21:27-39; Psalm 142; Amos 5: 1-9

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

WORK as a Rule of Life


Sing to God, O Kingdoms of earth! Sing praise to the Lord.  Psalm 68:32


With songs of praise in our hearts, making soul-deep melodies of worship to God, we attend to God’s presence within and among us.

Prayers of Gratitude

For this day, for immeasurable blessings already received, and for the work of your Spirit within and among us, we offer gratitude from glad and generous hearts.

The Lord’s Prayer

A Reading

Acts 23: 12-22

Reflection Suggestions

Reflect on the text and Paul’s sustained experiences with plots to kill him. 

What helps you to remain faithful to the work God is calling you to do when circumstances, systems and persons seem to challenge you and the work at every point?


We pray for all who devotedly and diligently continue in the work of Christ, 

especially for those serving through the many and varied ministries of Spring Forest.  

We pray for those who labor in places all around the world  

where their lives and ministries are daily threatened.  

We remember those who silently bear great burdens,

 endure unspoken wounds of body, mind and Spirit 

as they steadily and passionately pursue daily the kin-dom and Lifework 

of loving God, loving neighbor, loving enemies and loving self.

Sending Forth

In the midst of afflictions, perplexities, persecutions, and being knocked off balance,

we remember this: we are not crushed, despairing, or destroyed.

The extraordinary power at work in us does not come from us.

Let us be very clear:

It belongs to God!           


  So, we enter our work today, praying as we go…

Daily Prayer for Spring Forest Rule of Life

May our lives be a prayer

May God work through our prayers

May our work be an answer

to God’s will working through us

May we rest in God’s love

May God’s rest feed our souls

May our table be open

May we welcome friends and foes

May the poor be our neighbors

May our neighbors be blessed.  Amen.

Daily Lectionary: Psalm 68:24-35; 2 Samuel 3:12-16; Acts 23:12-35; Psalm 142

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

WORK as a Rule of Life


Awesome is God in the sanctuary! God gives power and strength to the people!


As we wait in God’s presence, already enfolding us, 

and as we have asked God many times to make of our lives a sanctuary, 

consider the healing work of God’s Spirit within you as you are one in whom Christ dwells.

Prayers of Gratitude

For the steadfast, healing, beautiful and loving work of your Spirit

 within us, each of us, O, God,

we are simply filled with wonder and amazement! 

How indescribably fantastic to consider…

You, Creator of the Universe and all that Is and ever will be…


You, God, make of us a dwelling place for yourself, 

bringing us wholeness and fullness of life!

And then… you work through us and with us—all of us together--  

to further accomplish more of your good purposes in the world!

Holy and wonderful is your name!

The Lord’s Prayer

A Reading

Luke 7:31-35

Reflection Suggestions

Sometimes the healing stories of Jesus can seem like…

like these experiences are “just all in a day’s work,” for Jesus. 

Reflect on the way God’s healing work of grace has been experienced in your life. 

How might those experiences be related to the work 

God is and has been uniquely equipping you to do?


For ourselves we pray, O Lord, 

for unstopped hears that we might more deeply listen; 

and, for lips that speak more plainly and more boldly, 

because we have really heard your voice.

Make of our lives true prayers to you—prayers of love and gratitude, 

prayers of friendship and compassion, 

prayers of justice-making and truth-seeking, 

prayers of intercession for others, 

even as we now lift into your healing light these concerns…

Sending Forth Prayer

We step across the threshold of the space of prayer with one another

 into the spaces of everyday routines and responsibilities, 

knowing we have been together in God’s presence and have received healing,

 encouragement and challenge for this day.   

May God continue to open our ears and our lips 

that we might live to the praise of God’s glory.  

As we go, we pray…

Daily Prayer for Spring Forest Rule of Life

May our lives be a prayer

May God work through our prayers

May our work be an answer

to God’s will working through us

May we rest in God’s love

May God’s rest feed our souls

May our table be open

May we welcome friends and foes

May the poor be our neighbors

May our neighbors be blessed.  Amen.

Daily Lectionary: Psalm 68:24-35; 2 Samuel 6:16-23; Luke 7:31-35; Psalm 142; Amos 9:11-15

Thursday, July 18, 2024

WORK as a Rule of Life


There is none like you, O Lord; you are great, and your name is great in might. Jeremiah 10:16


In the stillness, as you grow aware of God’s love for you and presence with you,

consider whether there is any task of the day, any person you are to engage, 

any obstacle that is getting in the way of the “work” of this time with God and community. 

Silently name that issue /those persons or experiences.

Let it/them float away from you on the air of your exhaled breath,

making space for gratitude and trust.

Prayers of Gratitude

There is none like you, O Lord.  

There is none like YOU!  

For who you are, we worship you! 

For the gifts we’ve received from your hands, we are thankful!  

We lift our voices in praise to you.

The Lord’s Prayer

A Reading

Jeremiah 10: 3-5, 10, 12, 14, 16

Reflection Suggestions

Reflect on text, considering the makers of idols, or the making of idols of our daily work.

What are your thoughts about the role of community and a shared rule of life 

for nurturing spiritually healthy perspectives on the dignity of labor, esteeming one another’s work,  and/or sharing of gifts and resources in the Beloved Community?


As we give thanks for the gift of meaningful work and supportive community, O God, 

we pray for all who struggle with identities bound up in their work; 

for any whose success is measured only by dollar signs. 

We pray for those who yearn for meaningful work to engage.

 We pray for those denied access to fruitful employment of gifts and capacities for leadership.  We confess our complicity in broken and toxic systems and structures 

where the work of our hands is dissected from the work of the Spirit,

who dwells within each person. 

 Forgive us, heal us, and restore us by your grace, we pray.

Sending Forth Prayer

Even as we face, uncomfortably sit with and wrestle with 

all kinds of brokenness related to the gift of work, 

we are assured God’s faithfulness and steadfast love are always with us. 

God’s covenant with us will stand firm. 

This is God’s doing, not ours, 

We go to work—for the glory of God—and we pray as we go…

Daily Prayer for Spring Forest Rule of Life

May our lives be a prayer

May God work through our prayers

May our work be an answer

to God’s will working through us

May we rest in God’s love

May God’s rest feed our souls

May our table be open

May we welcome friends and foes

May the poor be our neighbors

May our neighbors be blessed.  Amen.

Daily Lectionary: Psalm 89:20-37; I Chronicles 11:15-19; Colossians 1:15-23; Psalm 23; Jeremiah 10: 1-16

Friday, July 19, 2024

WORK as a Rule of Life


God will not violate God’s covenant.   Neither will God remove God’s steadfast love. 

God is the Rock of our Salvation.   (from Psalm 89: 20-37)


In the silence, become mindful of God’s faithfulness to you, moment by moment, day by day.

Prayers of Gratitude

O Lord, the earth is full of your glory! 

Whether we are at work, at play, at rest, 

or giving focused attention to your presence with us, 

You are at work in the world!  

How might we bless you this day with all that we are?

Holy is your name and great is your power in all the world!

The Lord’s Prayer

A Reading

Acts 17: 19-28

Reflection Suggestions

Paul seems to find in every experience a platform, a doorway, a moment 

to share the good news of God’s love, shown to the world in Jesus’ death and resurrection. 

Paul’s particular gifts of witness-bearing and teaching are becoming Paul’s work, 

his way of life and being in the world.  

Who brings to your life inspiration and encouragement for further integration of prayer, daily work, acts of hospitality, worship, and loving others in the way of Jesus? What are you learning from them about living a life in rhythms of contemplation and action; work and rest?


For our siblings in faith who inspire and encourage us—from generations past, or who walk with us daily on this journey of growing in faith, we are humbly grateful.  

As they have prayed with and for us so we now pray for them and others...

Sending Forth Prayer

Today we go into the world with faith and hope in our hearts, knowing 

God’s goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives.

The One who has begun a good work in us will be faithful to complete it!

Stepping into opportunities this day brings to share God’s love by words and actions we pray…

Daily Prayer for Spring Forest Rule of Life

May our lives be a prayer

May God work through our prayers

May our work be an answer

to God’s will working through us

May we rest in God’s love

May God’s rest feed our souls

May our table be open

May we welcome friends and foes

May the poor be our neighbors

May our neighbors be blessed.  Amen.

Daily Lectionary: Psalm 89:20-37; I Chronicles 14:1-2; Acts 17:16-31; Psalm 23; Jeremiah 10:17-25

Saturday, July 20, 2024

WORK as a Rule of Life


Glory in God’s holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice. 

Seek the Lord and God’s Strength, Seek God’s presence continually.   I Chronicles 16: 10-11


As you breathe in the gift of Life, 

open your heart to a continual seeking of God’s presence today.

Prayers of Gratitude

Across thousands of generations of mothers and fathers in faith,  

God’s people have been invited to declare God’s glory among the nations, 

to give thanks God, who is from everlasting to everlasting.

 They praised God for what God has done throughout the ages and in the midst of their lives.   

In these few moments, in the midst of this community and 

with loved ones who are seeking God, and remembering God’s steadfast love 

in this time and our various spaces, 

for what works of God across this past week do you give thanks?

The Lord’s Prayer

A Reading

Luke 18: 35-43

Reflection Suggestions

 Reflect on this story of the healing of a man who was blind.  

Recall the story earlier this week about the healing of a man who couldn’t hear or speak. Without forcing connections, consider spending some time 

in wonder and curiosity about the relationships of these two stories to each other.

Might the Spirit be stirring up something through these healings of hearing, speaking, and seeing, and might those intersections be related to the work God is calling you to do?


O God, we come before you in need of your Spirit’s intercession for us all.  

Throughout the week we’ve meditated on a few of the dynamics of 

what it means to practice commitments to the movement of Work in Spring Forest’s Rule of Life.

We’ve glimpsed more of the greatness of Your work in the world and within us.

We recognize places where growth and understanding of your work can be expanded and strengthened, as well as being moved to wonder for what your Spirit has already accomplished.  

Sometimes the call is to do the hard, inner work.

Sometimes the work is challenged by outside forces and powers—

beyond our strength, but not beyond yours.

        We are grateful you keep on forgiving us, healing us, fitting us for the tasks you hold for us.

Thank you for not giving up on us,

Continue your good work in us until it is complete.

Sending Forth Prayer

As we move to the closing of this week, and the opening of a new one, we sustain our prayers for one another and for the work we share…

Daily Prayer for Spring Forest Rule of Life

May our lives be a prayer

May God work through our prayers

May our work be an answer

to God’s will working through us

May we rest in God’s love

May God’s rest feed our souls

May our table be open

May we welcome friends and foes

May the poor be our neighbors

May our neighbors be blessed.  Amen.

Daily Lectionary: Psalm 89:20-37; I Chronicles 15: 1-2, 16:4-13; Luke 18:35-43; Psalm 23; Jeremiah 12: 1-13


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