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Week 18 Morning Prayer

June 16-22, 2024


Sunday, June 16, 2024

Work as a Rule of Life

Before the work week revs up, take this day to refresh, 

re-energize, refocus and refill your well of creativity. 


We give you our thanks, Creator God, 

for the fathers and father figures in our lives

 and for the many ways you use them to lovingly guide in Your ways.We recognize that fatherhood does not come with an instruction’s manual,

 and that in reality some fathers do excel while others fail

and allow us to forgive where needed.For today’s fathers, we ask for wisdom and humility

in the face of the tremendous task of parenting – even for grown children. 

When they might feel tired, overwhelmed, or feeling weak,

Lord, give them the strength to continue loving and working.

Give them the courage to stand strong

and do well by their children and by You.In Your Holy name, O God, we pray.

Daily Prayer for a Rule of Life

May our lives be a prayer;

May God work through our prayers;

May our work be an answer;

To God’s will working through us.

May we rest in God’s love;

May God’s rest feed our souls;

May our table be open;

May we welcome friends and foes.

May the poor be our neighbors;

May our neighbors be blessed.


Daily Lectionary Readings:  

1 Sam 15:34-16:13; Ps 20 or 72; 2 Cor 5:6-10(11-13); Mark 4:26-34


Monday, June 17, 2024

Work as a Rule of Life

A heathy heart is a humble one without an ego.

It is child-like and encircles others in joy and in love.


Let us be fully present this day in mind, body, and heart,

resting in God's presence in the stillness and quiet.

Prayers of Gratitude

We give heartfelt thanks for each new morning and its light,

for rest and shelter, for health and food, for love and friends, 

and for everything the goodness of our Lord sends.

The Lord’s Prayer 

Loving God, in whom is heaven,

may Your name be honored everywhere.

May Your kin-dom come.

May the desire of Your heart for the world

be done, in us, by us and through us.

Give us the bread we need for each day.

Forgive us and enable us to forgive others.

Keep us from all anxiety and fear.

For You reign in the power that comes

from love which is Your glory

forever and ever. Amen

The Prayer of Jesus

Author Unknown

A Reading

Galatians 6:11-18

Let us reflect on the words of Scripture so they become living words 

for each of us in our journey of grace and of love. 


Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name;make known his deeds among the peoples!Sing to him, sing praises to him;tell of all his wondrous works!Glory in his holy name;let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice!Seek the Lord and his strength;seek his presence continually!

1 Chronicles 16:8-11

Sending Forth Prayer

Let us go forth working for the love, grace and peace of our Amazing God!!

Daily Prayer for a Rule of Life

May our lives be a prayer;

May God work through our prayers;

May our work be an answer;

To God’s will working through us.

May we rest in God’s love;

May God’s rest feed our souls;

May our table be open;

May we welcome friends and foes.

May the poor be our neighbors;

May our neighbors be blessed.


Daily Lectionary Readings:

Psalm 53; 1 Samuel 13:23-14:23; Galatians 6:11-18; Psalm 52; Ezekiel 31:1-12

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Work as a Rule of Life

Greet this day that the Lord has made with cheerfulness and gratitude. 

We rejoice in his blessings that endure forever. 


We give thanks that in the noisy chaos of our world; 

we still ourselves and rejoice in the knowledge that

God is our refuge and strength

Prayers of Gratitude

When the peace of Christ rules in our hearts, thankfulness overflows. 

Even in the darkest of times, we can praise God for his love, 

his sovereignty, and his promise to be near us when we call.

Psalm 145:18

The Lord’s Prayer 

O most compassionate life-giver,

May we honor and praise you;

May we work with you to establish your new order of justice, 

peace and love;

Give us what we need for growth,

And help us, through forgiving others, to accept forgiveness.

Strengthen us in the time of testing,

that we may resist all evil,

For all tenderness, strength and love are yours,

now and forever. Amen

New Zealand

A Reading

Psalm 52

Consider that in each of us is good, and in each of us is evil. 


When we gaze upon mosaics, we can’t help but be in awe of their beauty.

Looking closely at each piece, we wonder how broken, 

rough and worthless pieces

can come together to create such a stunningly beautiful piece of art.

Each of us is a rough and broken piece who is not alone, 

but that with other rough and broken people

actually come together to be a small part of the amazing 

and beautiful world that God created for us.

Sending Forth Prayer

As the love of God encircles us providing us with friends and family that support AND challenge us, may our words and actions reflect that never-ending love and mercy to all we encounter.

Daily Prayer for a Rule of Life

May our lives be a prayer;

May God work through our prayers;

May our work be an answer;

To God’s will working through us.

May we rest in God’s love;

May God’s rest feed our souls;

May our table be open;

May we welcome friends and foes.

May the poor be our neighbors;

May our neighbors be blessed.


Daily Lectionary Readings:

Psalm 53; 1 Samuel 15:10-23; Revelation 21:22-22:5; Psalm 52; Jeremiah 21:11-14

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Work as a Rule of Life

 O Holy Spirit, we welcome you into our hearts this day.

 We invite you to dwell in our hearts guiding our steps, 

our thoughts, minds, and attitudes to the will of God. 

Silence We still ourselves waiting on God and trusting in his peace, love and grace.

Prayers of Gratitude

For the beauty of the earth, for the glory of the skies,

for the love which from our birth over and around us lies.

Christ, our Lord, to you we raise this, our hymn of grateful praise.

UMH 92

The Lord’s Prayer 

Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother, 

Holy and blessed is your true name.

We pray for your reign of peace to come;

We pray that your good will be done;

Let heaven and earth become one.

Give us this day the bread we need;

Give it to those who have none.

Let forgiveness flow like a river between us

from each one to each one.

Lead us to holy innocence beyond the evil of our days –

Come swiftly Mother, Father, come.

For yours is the power and the glory and the mercy.

Forever your name is All in One.

Parker Palmer

A Reading

Luke 6:43-45

Let us reflect on knowing, saying and being the truth in the world today.


I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, 

intercessions and thanksgivings 

be made for all people - for kings and all those in authority,

 that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

1 Timothy 2:1-2

Sending Forth Prayer

O God, we ask you to lead us, bless us, break us and unite us 

as we strive to live as faithful disciples of Jesus the Christ, 

all the days of our lives. Amen

Daily Prayer for a Rule of Life

May our lives be a prayer;

May God work through our prayers;

May our work be an answer;

To God’s will working through us.

May we rest in God’s love;

May God’s rest feed our souls;

May our table be open;

May we welcome friends and foes.

May the poor be our neighbors;

May our neighbors be blessed.


Daily Lectionary Readings:

Psalm 53; 1 Samuel 15:24-31; Luke 6:43-45; Psalm 52; Jeremiah 22:1-9

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Work as a Rule of Life

New every morning is your love, great God of light, and all day long you are working for good in the world. Stir up in us desire to serve you, to live peacefully with our neighbors and all your creation, and to devote each day to your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

"A Liturgy for Morning Prayer," Upper Room Worship Book


As we explore the Word and experiences and understandings of others, 

let us pause and listen openly paying attention to what is in the depth of our hearts.

Prayers of Gratitude

Loving Lord, We give you thanks for the gift of life, health, food, 

shelter, and one another. Thank you for caring for us in our daily journeys guiding us in our decisions and wisdom when we stumble. 

We are grateful that You lead us to support one another. Amen.

The Lord’s Prayer 

Father of us, O Spiritual One,

Your Name be truly honored.

Your Movement spread, your will prevail

Through earth, as through the heavens.

Grant us sustaining bread each day.

Forgive our debts as we forgive

The debts of all who cannot pay.

And from confusion keep us clear;

Deliver us from evil’s sway.

Cotton Patch Gospel

A Reading

Acts 20:1-16

Let us reflect upon each word and consider what the passage meant to the original audience and what the author might have been thinking when writing it.


“When men work, they work; when men pray, God Works.” (Angus Buchan)

As we come to the Lord in prayer, we ask for hearts open to His presence 

filled with His Spirit and our souls filled with His peace. 

May every prayer spoken glorify God 

and draw us closer in communion with one other.

Sending Forth Prayer

Here I am, Lord. Is it I, Lord?I have heard You calling in the nightI will go, Lord If You lead meI will hold Your people in my heart.

UMH 593

Daily Prayer for a Rule of Life

May our lives be a prayer;

May God work through our prayers;

May our work be an answer;

To God’s will working through us.

May we rest in God’s love;

May God’s rest feed our souls;

May our table be open;

May we welcome friends and foes.

May the poor be our neighbors;

May our neighbors be blessed.


Daily Lectionary Readings:

Psalm 9:9-20; 1 Samuel 16:14-23; Acts 20:1-16; Psalm 107:1-3, 23-32; Job 29:1-20

Friday, June 21, 2024

Work as a Rule of Life

Gracious God, as we greet the beginning of another day, 

we look forward to all that life in You offers us. 


Let us find hope and wisdom in our time together.

Prayers of Gratitude

Just as sure as the sun comes up every morning, 

we give thanks that God’s great mercies never end. 

His compassion greets us fresh each day,

and each encounter is a chance to share His love.

The Lord’s Prayer 

O Great Spirit, our Father from above, we honor your name

 as sacred and holy.  Bring your good road to us, 

where the beauty of your ways in the spirit-world

above is reflected in the earth below.Provide for us day by day--the elk, the buffalo, and the salmon.The corn, the squash, and the wild rice. All the things we need for each day.Release us from the things we have done wrong,in the same way we release others for the things done wrong to us.Guide us away from the things that tempt us to stray from your good road,and set us free from the evil one and his worthless ways.Aho! May it be so!

First Nations Version

A Reading

Acts 21:1-16

Reflect on the courage needed to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, the Christ.


Comfort and restore, merciful Lord, all in need of Your healing 

– both near and far, physically, mentally, and emotionally.


Sending Forth Prayer

Let us go forth remembering that God gifts us 

with His love throughout the day, 

keeping in mind that there are some things than cannot be recovered:

the stone after the throw,

the word after it’s been spoken,

the occasion after it’s been missed,

and the time after it’s passed.

Daily Prayer for a Rule of Life

May our lives be a prayer;

May God work through our prayers;

May our work be an answer;

To God’s will working through us.

May we rest in God’s love;

May God’s rest feed our souls;

May our table be open;

May we welcome friends and foes.

May the poor be our neighbors;

May our neighbors be blessed.


Daily Lectionary Readings:

Psalm 9:9-20; 1 Samuel 17:55-18:5; Acts 21:1-16; Psalm 107:1-3, 23-32; Job 29:21-30:15

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Work as a Rule of Life

As the sun rises, we give thanks for God’s warmth and light that guides our path. Rise and shine! 


Psalm 65 reminds us that God regards silence as an act of praise. 

Let us remember that we don't even need to put voice our deepest prayers,

 but simply sit in God's presence and let Him still the raging sea

 that is in turmoil within us.

Prayers of Gratitude

Our depth of gratitude to you is endless, O God.

We dwell in the beauty of your hands in all creation and 

give thanks for your loving grace and endless mercy.

The Lord’s Prayer 

Our Father, Perfect Love,

We turn again to you.

Guide us; help us to love, so that Your will be done on earth as in heaven.

Give us this day that which we need. 

Fill us with hope and trust.

Help us to forgive our brothers and sisters (and ourselves as well),

and to look on them as You look on us.

Give us strength to resist temptation. 

When we are tempted, let us choose peace.

Deliver us from our fears. For what you love is safe.

And your love remains forever and always. Amen

Peter Parr 

A Reading

Luke 21:25-28

Reflect on the panic of the world – then and now.


Loving God, you have called us each by name and invited us to share in the service of your people. Hear these our prayers and those that are unspoken in our hearts.

By your strength, may we continue to serve you and be ever renewed by your spirit.

We ask this in the name of Jesus, our healer and teacher.

Scottish traditional prayer

Sending Forth Prayer

Wishing you a day filled with joy, love, and countless blessings. 

Good morning!

Daily Prayer for a Rule of Life

May our lives be a prayer;

May God work through our prayers;

May our work be an answer;

To God’s will working through us.

May we rest in God’s love;

May God’s rest feed our souls;

May our table be open;

May we welcome friends and foes.

May the poor be our neighbors;

May our neighbors be blessed.


Daily Lectionary Readings:

Psalm 9:9-20; 1 Samuel 18:1-4; Luke 21:25-28; Psalm 107:1-3, 23-32; 

Job 37:1-13

Peace be with you.



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